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Geoff Duncan
Guest Speaker Lt Governor Jeff Duncan

Lt Governor Geoff Duncan

Prior to the November 2022 Georgia State elections, we were honored to have Lt. Govenor Geoff Duncann as our Guest Speaker.  Geoff is retired from government and is a strong proponent of bringing bipartisan support for conservative ideas.  He signed and passed out several of his books “GOP 2.0.”

Tommy Clack
Guest Speaker Tommy Clack

Tommy Clack was our guest speaker at our February 2023 meeting.  Tommy is a triple amputee as a result of combat injuries in Viet Nam.  He is the recipient of the Point of Life award presented by President Bush in 1991and also a Military Artillery Hall of Fame inductee. He's most proud of the fact that he is the 8th generation Army Veteran and after 50 years of government service, he continues to Advocate for Veterans.

Tommy Clack, Veteran Advocate

Cumming Home Ministries
Cumiming Home Ministries

Karen Rivera, Cumming Home Ministries

Karen Rivera, Executive Director Cumming Home Ministries was our guest speaker in March.  They have a special drug and alcohol program for men and we are supporting veterans that need help with a drug or alcohol addicition.  To help support the program, the Home Ministries has a thrift store and welcome donations to be resold to support the program.

Veteran Service Officer

Veteran Service Field Officers

In July of 2023 we invited the two Veterans Service Filed Officers that represents Forsyth County to update our membership on the new Pact Act and how it applies to Veterans of the Vietnam Era. Before his talk, Rico Johnson, pictured on the left, introduced his new associate, John Wagenknecht. After his talk, he took several questions from the members in attendance. 

Gulf War Veterans Speaker

 Colonel Tom Burgess

Tom Burgess was the Mission Crew Commander on one of the 3 AWACS that was deployed during operation Desert Storm.  During his mission, he controlled and directed allied planes in the air over Iraqi.  He contributed our success against the Iraqi military to the operation being run by the military and controlled by our poliiticians.  Tom retired from the USAF after 23 years of service.

Col Tom Burgess

DAR Honors Vietnam Veterans Chaper 1030

We were honored by the local chapter of the DAR by making a donation to help us with our work.  In addition to the donation, we were presented with a Vietnam Veteran Commemoration flag and also label pins that were designed by the Federal Government to honor living Vietnam Veterans.

Jim Lndenmayer

Cherokee County Homeless Veteran Program

Speaker for Homelss Veterans

Jim Lindenmayer, Director for Cherokee County Homeless Veteran Program was our guest speaker at our April 2nd meeting.  He represents an organization that only supports veterans regardless of where they live.  It's one of the programs we financially support.

                    Crossroad Foundation 

Rebecca Davidson is the director for Crossroad Foundation, an organization to help place adopted children in our community.  

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