Winter Raffle for 2024-2025

Raffle tickets will be available at all Gun Shows in which we participate with. Please check the Chapter Info Title at the top of the page and our schedule for future gun shows will be posted in the Event section as the become scheduled.
2024 Summer/Fall Raffle

Our Summer/Fall Raffle has started and look for our members on weekends at different vendors in Forsyth County accepting donations and selling raffle tickets. Our donation location schedule is listed under Chapter Info/Events Section on this web page. The cost of the ticket is $5 or 5 for $20. We used the funds to support our veterans as well as to help local charitable organizations. A listing under "Who We Support" section of this web page lists all the organization we support. The drawing will be November 11, 2024.
Winning Numbers are:
5th Prize Hand made personal quilt ticket #05873 Claimed
4th Prize 12 gauge Shot Gun ticket #03101 Claimed
3rd Prize 1103 10/22 carbine ticket #00386 Claimed
2nd Prize S&W 11663 Shield EZ .380 ticket #06107 Claimed
1st Prize Rock Island 1911A2 45ACP ticket#07154 Claimed
Grand Winner Savage Axis with scope ticket#08772 Claimed
Thank you to all who participated
2023-2024 Winter Raffle

The winners of the Winter Raffle Numbers are:
30-30 Riffle 10217 Claimed
Blackstone Grill 09085 Claimed
Sportsman Bsk 10650 Claimed
Patriotic Quilt 10901 Claimed
Cornhole Game 08868 Claimed
2023 Raffle

Grand Prize: Ruger 308 Bolt Action Rifle w/Comp Stock & Scope- Winning Ticket: #3329 (CLAIMED)
2nd Prize: Glock 42 .380 Auto 41/2" Brl 6+1 Mag-Winning Ticket # 4288
3rd Prize: Mossberg 500 12 GA Pump 18" Brl 6 +1 - Winning Ticket # 6317-(CLAIMED)
4th Prize: Ruger 10/22 Carbine w/wood stock & Scope - Winning Ticket # 2307-(CLAIMED)
5th Prize: $500 Best Buy Gift Card - Winning Ticket # 6866-(CLAIMED)
6th Prize: $250.00 Walmart Gift Card - Winning Ticket # 3539
All items has been been claimed by the winners